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7:11 p.m. - 05 October 2002
living in dirt, getting old-timey, and on and on and on.

today has consisted of me waking up in my own smoky stench and cleaning like a fiend. I need to prepare this dirtbox for the three guests who I'll be welcoming beginning Thursday night for a weekend that promises to be nothing less than outstanding. I can't wait till they get here. good times.

to commemorate my upcoming twenty-fifth anniversary of being birthed into this crazy-ass world, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has begun soliciting my membership in their organization. as much as I'd like to be able to retire from work at age 24, I just don't think it feasible. therefore I must turn down this generous invitation from Executive Director and CEO William D. Novelli. I mean, I certainly am concerned about such issues as defending Social Security and pension rights, improving medical coverage, and promoting laws against age bias, but the timing's off. all apologies to my fellow AARP initiates.

much of my cleaning activity today was focused on clearing out from our window sills the layers of dirt, cobwebs, dead insects, and mold spores (oh yes) that have collected over the past, oh, let's say...six years. I say six years because when April and I moved in here, after the prior tenants' five year residency, there was such a penetrative and complete coverage of filth that we spent a good many hours trying to scrape, scrub, and wipe away the grime before we could even unpack. so I began my task of cleaning out the window sills today. just when I was about to finish in the living room, I heard Jim's voice calling my name and looked out the window to see him staring up at me, waving. he'd been locked out of his apartment, I learned, and for a while we just yelled back and forth at each other. after an awkward period of this, he asked if he could come in. being the too fucking nice girl that I am, I conceded and we sat around and made chit chat until his landlord called with his new locks and keys.

this interaction kind of pissed me off. I've been very insistent on not contacting him since that stupid night back in August (which is detailed here, for those of you who aren't sick of reading about it yet). I've turned down all his invitations to hang out and then he just invited his way in here today and fucked up my whole plan of action. Jesus, it's just so tired and blah blah blah I have no tactical skill whatsoever in these sorts of situations. full stop.

once again: I need some new friends.

it's fun how I can start out an entry all excited and jokey and then it just goes -zooooom- downhill to where my mind gets caught up in a whirlwind of drivel.

I went out with April and Megan last night again for no reason whatsoever. and I think we broke the landspeed record for how many times three girls can be hit on in a space of four hours. especially after we hit Nick's Uptown. good God. can't a lady just drink and smoke herself into oblivion without having to tell a different person what they're "up to tonight" every fifteen minutes? I'm drinking! if you want to contribute, slap down a fiver and buy me another pint. maybe I'll have that tatooed on my neck somewhere or--no--on my bosom, since that's where most drunk male eyes tend to hover whilst speaking to me anyway. so then I can just surreptitiously ease down the border of my shirt until that message pounds from my torso, loud and clear.

yep, that's what I'm gonna do.

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