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11:21 a.m. - 18 May 2002
yellow man and boring night

I just watched a man dressed entirely in yellow walk down the street in front of my house. he was in his late 50s or early 60s and had a full, round belly. his pants and shirt were a pleasant light canary, while his blazer was a brighter taxicab yellow, and his scarf was an even brighter, deeper hue. it was incredible.

Kelly called me at 1:30am last night, drunk, and we talked till about 3. main topics of discussion were: when are you coming back to Chicago?; when are you coming back to San Diego?; why don't we live closer?; listen to what happened to me. that was pretty much the apex of happenings for me last night. I was trying to stay awake to see Will Ferrell and the Strokes on Conan, but sadly, my body overpowered me and the next thing I knew, April's key was turning in the lock at 12:40. sometimes I have losery Friday nights.

today April and I are going to see Spider-Man. I'm not all that excited about it, really, but I'm sure it'll be good. I'd really like to go on one of the free walking architectural tours they're offering today, but it's just not warm enough, gdammit.

ok must take shower.

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