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1:32 a.m. - 26 December 2002
Christmas Day brings presents and snow

oh for joy, Christmas this year brought about 8 inches of snow around these parts. I drove through it last night to get to Stacey's and back and it was sooooo pretty. driving through the snow in a wooded landscape is much more picturesque than driving through the snow in an urban landscape most of the time. although I guess that could depend on one's personal preferences. anyway, the trees in my parents' backyard are now heavy with snow, icecicles hang from the gutters on the roof, and the neighbors have carved out deep aisles where the sidewalks should be.

the only real downside to the snow (and it is a big one) is that I couldn't go out to meet up with MHD. he'd kind of informally notified me of his intended whereabouts for tonight on Monday but alas, the conditions simply aren't conducive to going out and drinking and then driving home afterwards. so that's made me feel a little blah today even though I continue to remind myself that I shouldn't be hoping for anything big to happen. it's just shitty, that's all. shitty and annoying that I would run into him the way I did Saturday and Monday night and whatever else. I don't know if he's going to be in town the rest of the holiday...we never really hammered out those details. whatever. we'll see. pipe dreams.

switching topics. I got lots of nice things from family and friends this year. clothes I'd requested, some movies (The Royal Tenenbaums on DVD, hurrah!), an album or two, a few books, and a Simpsons trivia game. oh yeah, and an Elvis Costello lighter from Kelly. that one is kind of funny but really neat-o. it's a nice picture of Elvis.

that's all for now. I've been in and out of a sleep coma all day today as a result of staying up late to help my dad install the surround sound speakers he bought for the family room this Christmas. and in between the sleep coma I've been parked in front of the television. or eating. it's been quite a day, my friends. quite a day.

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