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10:01 p.m. - 12 February 2002
sports drama

found out today through April that Jim is moving about a half block away. this apparently was decided on Sunday and the bastard hasn't even mentioned it to me yet. we're friends, aren't we? what the fuck, boy?

am putting off packing for New York for no good reason. am getting sleepy so should really get going. but the Olympics have somehow sucked me in--all that sporting drama--I am a real sucker.

ah ha, well the basty boy's just IMed me to tell me he took that apartment. I'll give him half credit for that one. jesus, what's my problem? I don't know why I still feel an attachment to him. it needs to stop. either that, or something pivotal needs to happen. I hate the doldrums.

ugh gotta get packing. dammit.

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