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1:20 p.m. - 17 April 2002
a diving story and body problems

today I've been reminiscing with Kelly about some of our teammates from our high school diving team days. it all started when my almost yelling "fuck" in seminar (see here) reminded me of the following story: during one of our diving meets, Charles, a teammate, completely blew his dive. he didn't even start to do the dive, he just did his approach and jumped powerfully straight off the end of the board. on the ascent into the air, he yelled out, louder than I'd ever heard yelled, "FUCK!!" and then descended into the water feet first. everyone in the natatorium heard it, and I wouldn't be suprised if people outside heard it. everyone was stunned silent, and the word "fuck" reverberated like thunder against the natatorium walls as the announcer read the scores. oh that was grand. then one other time, the whole team was at my house for a party. we were playing with a Ouija board in the basement and Charles asked the board if I would go out with him. in response, I screamed and ran away. ah, high school memories...

so Kelly went to the doctor to have the same procedure done that I had last week and they actually found something and had to do a biopsy. now she has to wait a week and a half for the results and she's really worried. that really sucks. I hope everything will be ok. a week from tomorrow I leave to go visit her and I've already told her if she finds out the results while I'm there, we'll drink to them, no matter what.

I ate lunch outside today and now I've got that kid-who-just-finished-playing-outdoors smell about me. why is this? I only sat and ate. and also, why is this not a pleasant smell? shouldn't the smell of the outdoors on one's clothes be refreshing? instead, I just smell like I need a bath. I am sick of having little kid problems like this. it's either little kid problems like smelling dirty and getting sweaty, or old lady problems like back pains and memory lapses. all I ask is that if I am to have problems, that they be the problems typical 24-year-olds would experience. please, body, stop jerking me around. I promise to treat you better!

speaking of treating my body better, I have resolved that there is no way I will ever motivate myself to go to the gym after I've gotten home from work each day. consequently I am going to try (oh ho ho) to go before getting ready for work each morning. this means I will need to wake up around 5:30 or 5:45 each morning to do everything on time. and while I am fundamentally opposed to waking up before 6am, something's got to be done, and I'm sick of letting that 52 bucks a month go to waste. so we'll see how that goes. my first morning was supposed to be today, but I chose to, uh, sleep instead. so you's great fun being me.

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