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8:56 p.m. - 18 April 2002
this entry is totally lacking in good content

awwww man today was long. no good reason why. just long.

I'm sat at home with April's mom once again. fortunately I don't have to play the entertainer as it is Thursday night and all those TV shows are on. so I've turned on the television and, like a child, she is entertaining herself.

is that mean?

tomorrow night I go to see Super Furry Animals with Christina and her boyfriend. it should be a fun show. not sure, but Megan might come too. then hopefully Saturday will be nice and relaxed. and hopefully Jim will want to go out Saturday night because I feel like I'm really gonna need a drink on Saturday night.

I was actually able to drag my ass out of bed this morning to go to the gym, as planned. only my efforts resulted in a monstrosity of a blister on my right heel. this is yet another example of the hilarity of my life. I take a step in the right direction and something will jump in to say, ha ha, nice try, lady! as soon as I got home tonight I lanced the blister (real sterile-like) and hopefully everything will be good to go again tomorrow.

at work today I began to realize just how much it's going to suck when Amy leaves. I don't want to come off as an elitist because I honestly do not believe in that sort of thinking, but great googly moogly, everyone else in my department is completely lame. or psychotic. or patronizing. or socially handicapped, in a way that is inexcusable. eating lunch with some of these people can be one of the most excruciating experiences possible. ugh. I hate talking about work, so I'm stopping now, but...yuck. people.

pppbbbbbbth. enough for now.

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