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11:35 a.m. - 24 April 2002
sweets to come and brown-and-serve for people

aaaaaaahhh tomorrow I go to San Diego! I can't wait!

today is Secretary's Day or, as the politically-correct-minded people in my office have dubbed it, Staff Appreciation Day. therefore I am scheduled to be showered by sweets at precisely 12:30pm this afternoon. I'm not quite sure what pumping sugar into my stomach has to do with appreciation, but I like it. I also don't know why the powers-that-suck have chosen to interrupt lunchtime with the prospect of sweets, but I will comply.

April just called me. she went tanning this morning and instead of using the normal bed, she chose to try out the super-tanning bed, which concentrates approximately 4 tans in the time it takes to do 1 normal tanning session. tanning really grosses me out in general and I don't like hearing her talk about it because it's freakish and weird. and this super-tanner is even freakier and weirder than I could imagine. April told me that she started shaking while she was laying in the super-tanner because it started to freak her out. she also told me the whole process has burned her lip quite a bit. that is incredibly weird and frightening. I asked her to stop telling me about it after a certain point. I also asked her never to go back to that particular bed again. I just don't get tanning. it's obviously been proven unsafe (cancer and all), but people still persist. I can't even believe tanning salons are still around! and prosperous! I'll get my skin cancer the old-fashioned way, thank you: by being fair-skinned and by forgetting to apply sunscreen to my shoulders when I'm going out for the day.

all this getting up at 5:30 to go to the gym has produced a strange and mildly-annoying side-effect: my eyes get puffy and half-closed and stay that way for most of the day. what I can't figure out is whether the puffy-eyes are a result of fatigue or the strain I put on my body while I'm running. I already have a bright red face for an hour after exercising. ah well. I think I'll just stick to the old ignore-it-and-it-will-stop-bothering-you philosophy on this one for a while.

break time.

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