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4:22 p.m. - 01 April 2002
sugar-induced frowny face?

and here it comes once again, this "I am spinning my wheels, wasting my time" crap. plus, it's snowing outside, which depresses me more than I care to say. whenever I get this way, it's as if I can literally feel the grey cloud over my head, just like in cartoons of Charlie Brown when he would groan and frown. a grey fuzz just seems to buzz in my head and if I catch a glimpse of myself, I look like me at age 10, pouting because I can't get a toy at Sears or a trampoline for the backyard.

someone here just farted loudly, and then groaned. who are these people?

I have eaten an ungodly amount of sugar today, for a few reasons. partially because it's sitting out, mostly because I love candy. people brought buckets of leftover Easter candy into work today. I am unable to resist the pull of chocolate eggs and miniature Twix and delicious jelly beans or what have you. unable! it's very difficult. I myself brought in a horrific pink-and-white-frosted bunny cake that Marisa gave to April and me last night because there's no way I can keep that monstrosity in my dwelling. eating that cake is like repeatedly pouring an entire spoonful of sugar directly on your tongue.

I think I'm going to go home in a few minutes and just smoke myself silly. sometimes cigarettes solve feelings. you know?

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