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6:41 p.m. - 25 January 2002
nothing exciting

another Friday night. think I'm just gonna stay home and relax. makes me want to run out and buy a pack of cigarettes but I really want to stop, so I think I'll just steal some from April.

work today wasn't too bad, it went fast. I spent the first half of the day making a list of CDs I want to get ASAP. these include: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Goldfrapp, Elbow, Gorky's Zygotic Mynci, Jim O'Rourke, Sea & Cake, Ozma, Low, and Death Cab for Cutie. if only I had unlimited money for CDs. looks like I won't be getting any new clothes this month, again.

man I hope some good movies are on TV tonight. that way I can feel like I got something accomplished. what I really should do is work on the exhibition for the museum, but seeing as I have no self-discipline, that can wait for tomorrow, or Sunday, or...

hmmmm well I've run out of things to say for now, so that's it for this one.

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