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10:24 a.m. - 21 March 2002
only in beautiful dreams

lately, my dreams have been far too reality-based. it's very unsatisfying for me and I wonder what's caused it. I've been dreaming about going to places with Jim and his friends, about going to the dentist, about work people (that is the worst)...nothing at all fantastic or strange. I like it a lot better when I dream about something, wake up confused but wondrous, and think, "what could that have possibly meant?" like last week, when I dreamt that this angelic woman dressed in white (as most angelic people do) and with flowing hair was floating in front of me, told me I was a star (not in the celebrity sense), and touched my forehead lightly. a dream like that is something to be pondered, or at least enjoyed. these recent dreams are more like premonitions or replayed occurances than enjoyable dreams.

sometimes, right before I fall asleep, when I'm just laying there thinking to myself, I'll hear bits of conversations that flash in and out of my consciousness. it's always different voices and as soon as they startle me, they'll stop and then start again. it's very strange. I'm sure it's just my mind beginning a dream without me, but sometimes I wonder if I'm kind of tuning in to some other frequency. I'm never quite asleep when it happens. it's as if I'm hovering between full consciousness and a sleep state, and that middle area is a radio band or an interchange of lost conversations. it's new-age-y and corny to think that, but it's a very bizarre occurance.

the tuna sandwich I brought for lunch today is really stinking up my office. I have it under my desk so the smell is somewhat contained, but I can smell it and it's doing nothing but making me hungry.

I have so much work to do. but I lack the desire to do it.

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