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8:20 p.m. - 22 March 2002
gimme a smoke and some sunshine

today was a little zzzzzzzzzz but I did get a nice free lunch from my boss and a nice free coffee from Sara. thanks, folks!

I'm gagging for a smoke right now. arrrgh. but I can't because I'm out of cigarettes and I can't smoke inside because work people are coming over Sunday night for dinner and they don't know I smoke sometimes (nor do I want them to because I am a child who doesn't want to disappoint) and it gets stinky in here really quick. it's too cold to smoke outside, so I'm just going to be vigilant until either late Sunday night or Monday after work. damned wants.

maybe April will bring cigarettes home with her when she gets off work.

why won't it be spring outside? I wanted to cry on my walk to the museum yesterday it was so cold and windy outside. when I got inside, my face was bright pink and my hair was all blown around. it was disheartening. I demand spring weather! highs of 50 degrees at least! and nice spring smells! please!

I'm getting really excited for Sunday because the dinner April and I are making up for our 6 guests is going to be huuuuuge and hopefully impressive. I've been put in charge of the dessert, and I think I'm going to wrest the entr�e from April's grips as well. I simply want to show off. I'm hoping that my guests will get a little tipsy on the wine they're bringing too, because that should provide endless entertainment. nobody's over 30, so that shouldn't be a problem. can't wait!

hmmm. no more to tell for now.

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