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10:57 a.m. - 18 March 2002
putting off work

aaaaaagh it's almost 11 and I've done zero work today. instead of working, I'm compulsively checking email, reading some bulletin boards, looking at the news, and clicking on music samples from cdnow to decide what to buy next. this is not approved use of my company's T1 line.

I get a free lunch today. yippeee! but dinner tonight will be tr�s cher, as I'm going out with Jen and her mom, who is in town visiting. there was a time when Jen's mom would always pay for my dinner, but somehow that time has gone. this is sad for me. I figure, she's got the dough, so why not treat one of her daughter's oldest friends? at any rate, it'll be good food. French bistro. mmm-mmm.

um, well, not much else to add at this point. I'm just putting off now what can be done much later. oh blah I'd better get started. stupid Monday.

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