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11:59pm - 01 March 2002
snow, snow, lots of snow

it's snowing like there's no tomorrow outside right now. very pretty to watch.

just got home from a play and drinks with Sam, was actually pretty fun. got three calls from Jim while I was out, which is pretty much unprecedented, so I think he's looking for a booty call. he was pretty drunk on the second call, and then I spoke to him for a sec, but his cell cut out; he's out somewhere...we'll see how this plays out.

work today was not too bad, especially since my crappy robot boss is away. we had an ice cream social, which never fails to win my heart.

tomorrow going to a show with Megan and her friend; I hope it's good. got Ed Harcourt tickets today, so can't wait for that. also, decided on a whim to go to San Diego to visit Kelly at the end of April, and we're going to the Coachella Festival, which is going to be so amazing. I can't wait.

ok enough for now. April just got home, gotta run...

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