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9:21 p.m. - 28 February 2002
cigarettes and alcohol fuel my boring writing

mmmm, red wine is so delicious. and it made a fine song title. and it perfectly complements a nice Camel Light [don't smoke, kids].

am currently IMing with Amanda. tackling all the larger issues in a 15-year-old's life. and some of the issues in mine (though obliquely). she's terrific. apparently some kid at her high school ODed on heroin last week. all these fucked-up facts I've been learning lately are a real slap in the face. why the hell is heroin even available in suburban PA?

it's not easy to IM with a cigarette in your hand. Stacey's mom used to smoke (maybe still does?) and their computer keyboard at home has all these melted half-circles in the keys from where she paused mid-sentence. kind of funny.

got paid last night, hurrah, so today doled out all the bills, left work, went to Borders to buy wall calendars (two months too late) but ended up getting a magazine and a book instead, then went home, went to the grocery store and bought 60 bucks worth of food, lugged them all home (thank god it's only a block and a half away), went to buy some dinner, went to buy cigarettes, then collapsed on the couch with my arms quivering from the heavy groceries. all in the space of an hour and a half. it was quite a frenzy. and that was my evening.

spoke to Sam tonight. we're going to see a play tomorrow now. I always get a weird vibe from him whenever we hang out solo. it's awkward making the transition from workfriends to go-out-for-a-play-and-drinks-friend. last time we went out for a drink, I made him tell me about a one-night-stand he had a few months ago. it was funny. he was embarassed and halfway through the story he said, "why am I telling you this?" ha ha. he's so young Republican sometimes (even though he's a staunch Democrat). when he worked with me, around the time of the last presidential election, he was a judge of elections and sent out a building-wide email saying he'd be registering voters in his cubicle. so every day following that, he'd have a line of people waiting to register outside his door. every time a new person would sit down with him, he'd ask "do you live in the city of Chicago?" and I'd burst out laughing. then he'd start laughing because of my laughter and I'm sure the registrant would feel nice and alienated. good times.

well I'm blathering now, and it's about nothing consequential, so I suppose I'll stop. until tomorrow, sweet Diaryland...

addendum, 10:22pm: must stop buying red wine, as it makes me smoke incessantly. have had 2 smokes per glass. no good. some bastard is playing metal rock with the bass pumped all the way up and it's seeping through my walls. must find and destroy his (or her) sound system...

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