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9:00 a.m. - 02 February 2002
I'm at work on a Saturday

at work. it's Saturday. too early. just have to sit around until noon, when I have to set up some food and then eat some of it and then get the hiz-ell out of here so I can go home and take a nap.

I was having the deepest and most pleasant, relaxing sleep this morning, and when the alarm went off at 6am, the first word out of my mouth was "fuck." it's always nice to start your day with a good expletive; it's indicative of what's to come, really.

went to a movie with Jim last night. the movie was so-so but we had a pleasant enough time. I think this is the first time that Jim's actually invited me to something without my calling him first. it seems that he's going to try to move into my neighborhood. he's up to something, that Jim. don't know what yet, but I'd like to find out

talked to Keira for the first time in months Thursday night and she's doing well. I'm going to try to visit her in CT for a day when I go to NYC in two weeks. it'll be nice to see her again.

am supposed to go to the gyno next week for a procedure to determine what's going on with my cervix. unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to reschedule because, per usual, my body's chosen to play a joke on me and make things happen later than usual. I would really like to just get this appointment over with, especially since it may involve biopsies and other disgusting details. would also like to know how serious things are...but I refuse to worry before I know the facts.

I want to call April to fill up some of this time, but she's undoubtedly still sleeping, as all people should do at 9am on a Saturday after a full week of work. will call at 10. maybe 10:30, if I'm feeling nice.

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