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3:53 p.m. - 20 February 2002
just some thoughts to get to 5

fuck I'm bored. at work, tilting my head from one side to another to gauge the severity of my double chin. wondering if I have a thyroid problem. feel all stuffed into my clothes. annoying.

Stephen doesn't wear shoes at work sometimes. that's peculiar. when he walks by, it's always done heavily and quickly. I can feel the floor vibrate. it's alarming at first, until you realize he isn't wearing any shoes. still, a vibrating floor kind of startles me. especially since we're on the eighth floor. how stable are buildings, really?

sometimes at work the window cleaners will come and will float, suspended, right at my eye level. they don't see me or anyone else while they're swiping the windows clean. I know because I've tried to wave or catch their attention, but they don't blink at all. it's amazing--we're separated by mirrored glass that's maybe 1/2 inch thick, I can see them perfectly, right in front of my face, and they have no idea I'm there. one time, one of the window cleaners was singing in Spanish at the top of his lungs. it was fantastic.

last night I spoke to Jim for about a half hour on the phone. it was nice. it's rare that we actually have an involved conversation that lasts more than five minutes. I wish he would decide to conversate more often, to be frank and free with his thoughts. when Andy was here, I could talk to him about anything, anytime. I miss that so much. with Jim sometimes it's like pulling teeth to have a sustained conversation, but last night it just flowed. it made me glad.

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