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7:17 p.m. - 06 March 2002
so much information

wow, my computer really sucks. granted, it's um...wait...jesus, almost 8 years old, and I'm still running Windows 95 on it, but COME ON, all I'm trying to do is install my tax software. it really doesn't need that much free disk space now, does it? stupid machine! stupid! anyway, will have to resolve this very soon. perhaps can stealthily do taxes on the computer at work; perhaps can trick Jim into letting me use his swift machine.


work today went too fast and I didn't get half as much done as I wanted to. this is mainly due to my boss and her insistence on assigning me things. also, I was very fatigued all day because I just didn't get enough sleep last night.

April and I went to see her friend Evan's play and it was actually pretty entertaining, if cheesy (as all musicals are). then afterwards Evan snuck us into the cast-only afterparty and we drank lots of gin & tonics for free. that was a delight. but this morning was not.

got a call from my doctor's office this morning saying they'd like to try to figure out what's going on with my stupid body. after checking off a few questions, the nurse said very brusquely, "well we're going to have to bring you in. bottom line." um, yes, well that is in fact why I called with my concerns in the first place. so that's tomorrow. so may have some information tomorrow. gosh, it's sure to be fun. as long as they don't want to draw blood, actually, I'll be fine. my fear of needles and general queasiness at the thought of them entering my veins does not need to be challenged tomorrow morning. no sir.

ugh well my dad should be calling soon so I should log off. I need to clean tonight so that the apartment is presentable when he comes to see it tomorrow night. but I also need to watch Mon Oncle, which I rented on Saturday for the second time after not having time to watch it last time. and it's due back tomorrow. so...let's just wait and see what takes precendence.

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