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9:05 a.m. - 09 April 2002

I'm in a really foul mood this morning, so much so that I was on the brink of tears leaving the house this morning. I just got overwhelmingly frustrated with a lot of aspects of my life for no apparent reason. it's become excruciating being at my job lately and I would really like to find new employment. but seeing as the nation's economy (and my own economy) will not likely facilitate this, it seems as though I'm stuck here for a while. I don't really know what to do. and it's pissing me off. poor April was up this morning and I wasn't very friendly to her, just kind of gruff, and I didn't say 3 words to her. it's very unlike me to take out my frustration on other people, she was pretty much just in the wrong place at my wrong time.

uuuuuugggghhhh. yuck.

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