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9:36 p.m. - 24 September 2003
oh, this and that

yeah, so I don't have much news once again. I live in a slow place. but that's ok.

I do have a job now, which is good. it's a temp job, but temp still = $, and since in Cincinnati they take a hell of a lot less out of one's paycheck than in Chicago, the take-home pay isn't as insulting as I thought it was going to be. the catch is, I'm working in a Republican civil servant's office, which means I'm having to bite my tongue and ignore comments/info/idealogy contrary to my own views. so that's been interesting, to say the least. I certainly don't agree with my temporary employer's thoughts! AND I don't appreciate that I don't have any computer screen (ie, potential emailing) privacy. but oh well. it's a living. kind of. for now.

as for real jobs, I've interviewed twice for one position, kind of related to my last job, and I've applied for a job I really really want that's related to my undergrad degree. I'm totally qualified for both the former AND the latter, but it's the latter I want most. we shall see.

uh, so what else...I went to Chicago last weekend with my cousin, and that was a good time. saw the Wilco concert Friday night even though Erin and I were giddy with fatigue from the drive. before the concert we were watching Family Feud and were practically pissing our pants laughing at the moronic answers people were giving for equally moronic questions. sample: "what is a nickname that short people don't like being called?" moronic answer: "Pinocchio!!" another sample: "name an animal that roots around in your garden." moronic answer: "possum!" and so on.

to end that digression, Wilco were really good to see live finally, and even though we were in the balcony behind this crazy lady who kept dancing in a really stiff manner (we thought she was legitimately mentally disabled for a short time) I enjoyed myself.

after the show we met up to go out with April and Megan and a bunch of other people. and since I hadn't smoked one cigarette or drank one drop of alcohol in two weeks (TWO WEEKS!), the toxins hit me hard and by 4am at Carol's I was thisclose to laying my head down on the table and conking out. but I survived long enough to go back to April's studio apartment and eat half a small-ish frozen pizza with her. ugh. but yum at the time.

seriously, this is all my news. it's so uneventful around here. I need to start just taking note of things better than I have been. like tonight, my grandpa wasn't really being cooperative in the "keeping the dentures in the mouth during dinner" department. I tell you what, seeing an septuagenarian suck bits of food out of his dentures (which he is holding in his hand) will put your appetite on hold right quick, mmm-hmm, yes indeed.

oh yeah, also today I rode the bus home from work for the first time. Erin had been ferrying me to and fro in her new car, but apparently when you have a job you "like" and in which your participation is "crucial" you "stay late at work voluntarily because you want to." or something. anyway, I have to say that Chicago beats the pants off of Cincinnati when it comes to public transportation. and I also have to say that walking to and from the bus stop is going to mean putting my life in jeopardy on a daily or weekly or whatever basis. why, you ask? no sidewalks, grassy ditches. and hills. and fast cars going up and down hills fastly. but hey, what's a commute without a little death-defying danger? yes. ah.

ok I think I'll stop now. must write more. must write more. must write more. must get real job.

aaaaand scene.

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