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1:08 p.m. - 05 July 2002
wasting the day away?

last night from Stephen and Amber's balcony, we could see a multitude of fireworks bursting across the city's landscape. it was really nice to watch. we were up till somewhere around 5:30 watching movies and talking about stupid people at work. a fun evening, really. they were very nice and bought me dinner and ice cream, so that always makes me happy.

I won 50 bucks in a raffle at work on Wednesday, and I've been seesawing over how to spend it. I think it's ultimately going to groceries since there's barely anything edible in the house. but I'd also like to get a CD. we'll see how far I can make it stretch. it was nice to finally get something small back from the ol' workplace, I'll tell ya.

today I have the day all to myself. most of my friends are out of town, and April is working until late tonight. I don't really know what to do with all this empty time, but not going to bed till 6am has helped wipe out the morning hours.

ho hum. off to the showers.

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