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4:02 p.m. - 25 February 2002
another maudlin Monday

can't stop being upset over Adrienne. there's so much tangled up in her current state. am going to talk to her over the phone and not IM pretty soon just to reassure myself that she's not going to end her life or totally drift away. she needs serious therapy. I hope she finds it. I don't know what I would do if the worst happened to any rate, it's out of my hands, all I can do is give advice, especially since she's (geographically) so far away. I feel that she'll be fine in the end. I hope that's the truth.

work's not been too peachy today for a few reasons. I've been preoccupied with thoughts of Adrienne for one. last night was full of anguish and tears once I got into bed. also, April's friend Charles came over right before I went to bed and their loud talking and the TV kept me up until they went to bed around 1 or 2. that was incredibly frustrating. so now I feel like I need to talk to her about respecting my sleep time. it's silly. yet another case for living alone. fuck, that won't happen for a while, I'm certain.

one hour left here and then it's home. gonna call my mom tonight. feel like doing nothing but sitting, smoking cigarettes, and staring into space as soon as I get on my couch at home.

one a happy note, just got Ed Harcourt's cd and it's so lovely. he's coming here in March so I think I'll go see him. it's nice to have musical distraction sometimes.

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