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7:09 p.m. - 19 July 2002
when will I be feelin' fine?

lawdy, lawdy I think that maybe in a few days I might finally be healthy again, but it's hard to say. I've been going to work for the past two days for the sole reason of stopping the rape of my vacation time that's happened over the past week and a half.

today was a breeze because we had a work picnic at noon. so I went in at 10, worked about an hour and a half, and then went to the picnic, where I stayed till 2. I did have to see our VP bare-chested in yellow swim trunks (horrifying), but I was reclining most of the time so it was almost an even trade-off.

yesterday was another story. I went in at the normal time with the intention to stay till maybe 2. things started ok, and I got a hero's welcome from everyone. to tell the truth, they were looking at me like I was Lazarus. but then I started cold sweating and I was truly having a hard time concentrating on anything. I decided I would go to lunch with a few co-workers around 12:30, and we went to a nearby cafe. while in line to pay, I took a bite of crusty bread and promptly began choking on it so badly that I was dry heaving once I coughed it out of my windpipe. keep in mind I'm in public, and sweaty. it was attractive. after we sat down to eat, I somehow flicked a blob of salad dressing into my eye and naturally started tearing from the sting. it was after that I decided to leave straight from lunch. things were not, shall we say, going well.

so except for feeling like I have a head cold and still being slightly swollen, I think all my symptoms are gone. disappointingly, my fever returned both last night and the previous night. if I'm not better tomorrow, it'll mark the beginning of week 2 of the mumps. this is one hell of an infectious disease, I tells ya. it's both fascinating and hateful. but hey, at least I get a story out of it.

ok there's a program on the last days of Judy Garland on TV now and I shan't miss it for the world. also, Phish Food is calling from the freezer. she is mine, all mine! ta for now.

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