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10:34 p.m. - 14 August 2003
spending warm summer days indoors...

I feel like I'm gonna barf all over the place right now. stomach toooooo fulllllllll!!!!

and a little tipsy.

I went to this alumni gig for my alma mater tonight. I never go to alumni gigs because, well, they're lame. and because people who go to alumni gigs are not typically my bag, baby. like, me no likey talk about college football. but this gig was planned by an old coworker friend and was held at the roommate's restaurant, so I felt obligated. so here's the thing: I am not schmoozy. and I tend to be shy around new people (unless I have some boozy drinks in me). and because of this I don't "make acquaintences easily." it's a living. although I guess the first hour and a half I was there was pleasant enough. I gabbed politely with some mid-to-late thirtysomething ladies who were gaga over the restaurant owner (also an alumnus of my alma mater) and chit-chatted nicely with the presentable early 20s couple who offered me a seat at their table. and I drank two beers and then ate some sashimi tuna (never a bad thing). then the coworker came, and I chatted with her for the last 15 minutes, said farewell to the roommate, and went to get some additional dinner. which was falafel salad. and then I came back to my digs and had a glass of chardonnay with my falafel salad and talked to Stephen on the phone for a half hour and now my tummy feels like a big swollen ball and I'm a touch sleepy and should go to bed, but when the writing bug (or, in this case, the drunk and blathering bug) strikes, one must scratch at its sting!

or something. yes.

so...I caved yesterday. my hell damn ass landlords left a message saying "where's the rent?" and "remember, you can't pay your last month's rent with your security deposit." so I sat and I thought. and then I thought some more. I thought about how I want to enjoy my last two weeks (freaking out freaking out) in Chicago and how I've already spent 15% of the money that would go towards my rent and how I'd have to pay for my rental van for my move to Cincinnati and how . . . and I thought, "it's time to call in a loan from the bank of Dad."

I called my dad, told him I had a favor to ask, he said ok, and I said, "do you think I could borrow a few hundred dollars for two weeks...?" he agreed to loan me my rent money, and I fervently promised to pay him back in two Fridays, when he comes to help me move and when I will get my final paycheck from work. and he put the check in the mail today. he's a sweet papa. after he agreed to it, I said sheepishly, "thank you very much...I don't like asking for money..." and he said he knew, but not to worry because I was about 72 requests behind another one of my siblings (that would be the infamous Adrienne).

bottom line: the reckless spending can continue! I think I'm finally gonna buy the Libertines album tomorrow in celebration.

which reminds me about this fantastic skirt I bought yesterday. it's a black circle skirt with tulle lining the bottom half and sticking out from underneath. and there are cream colored big silky flowers appliqu�d across the front with thin gauzy stems sewn on in a winding line. sooooo pretty!!! it will be put to good, fancy use.

oh yeah I also bought a glass bowl yesterday at a head shop and smokied some pee oh tee with the roommate and Megan. good times. but only got 4 hours of sleep.

man do I need to go to bed. that's gonna happen

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