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12:29 p.m. - 04 August 2002
consume, arise, back to home

here's what's dangerous: getting into the habit of drinking Frappucinos too often. I had one yesterday about this time of day and damned if I don't want another one RIGHTNOW. why are they so delicious? why did Mr. Starbucks make such an intoxicatingly refreshing and fulfilling beverage? so many questions.

I also need to leave the house today for dishwashing detergent and Lysol. the first for obvious reasons, the second for the horrifically fetid trash can that sits in the kitchen. I know *I* didn't drop anything suspect or stinky in the bottom of the can, but someone did and the stench has got to end.

here's how I woke up this morning: to the strains of some jackass singing "Jailhouse Rock" underneath my window while his friend clapped and laughed along. why do I live on what seems to be the most attractive corner for loud people everywhere?

I talked to Keira on the phone last night for the first time in months. she's doing really well and is about to move back to Connecticut to start her teaching job. and she might be starting up a photography company with her friend who lives in New York City. she sounds about 15 times more centered than she's ever been and I'm really excited for her. but talking to her made me realize once again that I've got to get back to the East Coast. everyone but Kelly is there, my family is there, and it's just where I feel is home. I love Chicago, but living here makes getting anywhere else a time-consuming and expensive task. when I was in Connecticut I could shuttle up and down the East Coast by plane, train, or bus with ease. here, I've only got the first option since I am car-less and the last two options involve overnight travel at ungodly hours. so I've got to start thinking really hard about other East Coast schools I want to apply to for grad school. even though it might make more sense for me to stay in Chicago for that, at this point. ugh, decisions. if I were a rich girl this decision would be infinitely easier. but I'm not. not just yet.

time for a shower.

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