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3:08 p.m. - 11 May 2002
it's raining again...oh no I'm forgetting the end

today is windy, rainy, and cold. for shame, Mama Nature! because of these conditions, I have not yet left the house. what's the point? I have also not yet showered. but that will change soon.

last night I stayed up till 4am with April, who decided it was better to just stay up all night instead of going to bed before she would have to leave for her 6am flight this morning. she didn't get home from work till 1:30am anyway, so I agreed that indeed this made sense. since she was hungry, we decided to go to the grocery store up the street, wearing only our pajamas and a coat. I didn't think anything of it until we got a block away from our apartment and I realized it was closing time at the bars and the pair of us looked like two of the biggest losers in the world, going to the grocery store in pajama pants very late on a Friday night. but then shortly afterwards, I realized I didn't really care.

I cannot forget to call my mom tomorrow for Mother's Day. it could happen easily, but it mustn't. I used to be so good at remembering things back when I was at still in school, learning and taking classes and being forced to ingest information that needed to be spit back out shortly thereafter. but now it's as if my brain has chosen to close that portion of itself and I often find myself unable to recall mental notes I'd made only 30 seconds before. it is a condition that is at once troubling and fascinating to me. sometimes I'll remember what I was up to if I reposition myself and think, "ok, now what were you doing when the note was triggered..." but other times, it just floats away and I can do nothing but shrug, half-confident that the notion will return to me at some point. strange.

some unknown person has been calling my phone number over the past few weeks. when I answer, they hang up. for a while it was happening once a day. then it died down. and now it's happened two days in a row again. if I had caller ID I could probably get a better handle on the situation, but I don't. so I'm just left hoping that there isn't a creepy stalker out there getting off on the sound of my hellos.

I am so glad I'm not outside right now. look at those miserable saps, struggling against the wind that has turned their umbrellas inside-out! hopefully the weather will die down before I have to venture out for the Belle & Sebastian show tonight at the Congress. I've heard that the Congress is legendary for the level of filth in its bathrooms and I'm kind of looking forward to finding out the truth. will report back.

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