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7:36 p.m. - 07 February 2002
sigh sigh

I can't stop daydreaming about seeing a boy walk through my front door and being kissed really deeply for about a half hour. why can't I make that happen on command? sometimes I wish those companion robots from A.I. really existed. somehow a robot gigolo seems cleaner and less evil than a human prostitute. hmm... I just need a good kissing session. and then the other things.

ew just remembered the time my parents got me tickets to see a play on my 16th (?) birthday. they got me 2 tickets but said I could only go on one condition: if I took a boy as a date. could parents possibly put a dateless teenager in a more awkward position? I ended up going with Jen. they also once asked me jokingly (or not) if I was a lesbian. that was after I got my hair cut in a shag that year it was really popular (~1993). nope, not a lesbian, mom & pop. just trying to be fashionable. but thanks for the ego deflation! it's ok. looking out for my best interests and all...I love them tons for real.

really want a cigarette but want to stop smoking. can't justify paying for cigarettes with a credit card. hold on, yes I can. alright willpower. you lose, once again.

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