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9:13 a.m. - 06 April 2002
early to work, early to rise, makes me feel like closing my eyes

today I woke up really bright-eyed when my alarm went off at 5:45am. while little is shittier than having to be at work by 7:15 on a Saturday, I was in great spirits this morning. maybe it was because when I woke up it was full daylight outside. or maybe it was because I fell asleep before 10pm last night. anyway, I got in here just fine, right on time, helped set up some stuff, got a coffee, an orange juice, a banana and a muffin (I love free things), and came back down to my desk to twiddle my thumbs until noon. I was doing great until just now...I can feel my eyes's only 9:15am and I've already been up for 3 1/2 hours. that is not right.

this is something I forgot to put down a few days ago: on Wednesday I was delighted to learn that my freak boss wiped out in the cafeteria while she was carrying a bunch of food. she had a bagel, an orange, a bottle of health juice, and a tankard of coffee (this was her lunch), had balanced it precariously in her hands after paying, and was walking away in her super-fast walk when her foot slipped and her stuff went flying. people started helping her pick stuff up, and she said, "no no no! wait! no no no!" then finally, a man bent down to pick up the juice, and she yelled "just don't help me!" happily, Amy was there to see it all. I love that story so much. my boss is a freak.

I hope that April doesn't have to work tonight. I really feel like going out somewhere good tonight, and April and I never get a chance to do that during the weekend because she always works Friday and Saturday nights. I miss going out drinking with her. we always have fun, no matter where we go, no matter if it's just the two of us. and it's especially enjoyable if we go somewhere either really cool (read: laid back) or really cheesy (read: touristy) because people watching is just so good. if I had bigger balls, actually, I'd just go to bars by myself and stare at people all night. that's usually more interesting than anything else anyway.

I've been missing Andy again lately. I wonder if he realizes how much I miss having him here, and especially having him at work? I think I'll email him now. it's been a while.

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