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2:53 p.m. - 05 April 2002
stress is made better by wine and candy

I am at work. aaaahhhhhhh stresssssssfullllll...

the drive up to Skokie and back was very enjoyable but GODDAMN everything else today is making me crazy. details are stupid and I hate bitching about work, so I won't. but one more thing: I bit the side of my tongue, hard, as I was eating a carrot at lunchtime. it started bleeding and now I have a painful and ugly tongue bruise :(

right now I'm just focusing on me, going home, curling up on my couch in stretchy clothes, drinking red wine from the bottle, and smoking like a fiend. also, I will enjoy a free Subway sub tonight because I'm a good stamp collector. also, I will enjoy a free Baby Ruth tonight because Rolling Stone's pages gave me a coupon for that yesterday. see, my night will be so much better than my day.

must get out of here.

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