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11:52 p.m. - 09 February 2002

aw my little sister Amanda (15) is the cutest! she and my family were supposed to come visit me over their spring break but now they can't come. she told me she was so mad she started to cry. it's nice to know you're loved. also, I stumbled onto her own Diaryland diary AH HA don't tell...although she hasn't updated it since December and she tells me almost everything, so I guess there's no real thrill in that. not like when I used to find Adrienne's physical diary in high school and read about her smoking pot (or cereal, as she and her friends code-named it).

I'm so jealous of Amanda a lot of the time. she's about 25 times cooler than I was growing up. sometimes I think it's just the times and how they change, but she's like this hip little emo-core chick with so much it emo to wish you were emo? this reminds me of the time Andy and I were eating lunch together outside during work, watching this rawked-out couple walk by. Andy sighed and said, "I wish I was alternative." I sighed heavily and said, " too..." oh, longing.

ok more later.

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