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8:13 p.m. - 04 February 2002
Mondays are no good

work today really sucked a lot. first of all I have to change my doctor's appt because my body hates me. and the next available appointment isn't till April 4th. that sucks a lot. then I got to hear about what a horrible person my boss is from two of my coworkers and that pissed me off so much. I don't even want to get into it because it's such bullshit, but it really made my day much shittier than it needed to be.

got all my stuff together for the wig party tomorrow. my wig is pretty cool--a dark red/black bob with bangs. I think I'll look pretty damn good.

I've got such a headache right now. I hate headaches. I get them so seldom but when they come, they're always bad.

ugh there's more but I can't concentrate right now. more tomorrow I think.

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