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10:36 p.m. - 16 March 2002
primary urges

don't you love it when someone will offer you a snack or a bite of something and you'll say, "no thanks, I'm not hungry," but then they'll say, "are you sure?" and you'll shrug your shoulders, nod, and say, "well OK, I'll have a little," take a bite of whatever it is and then all of a sudden you're ravenously hungry? and before you know it, you're stuffing a huge quantity of that food into your mouth because you can't believe how hungry you are and it's like you're totally focused on ending that hunger--nothing can disrupt you--and you turn into an unstoppable eating machine. then, when the food is completely gone, you come out into the light, inhale deeply, exhale deeply, and say, startled, "wow, I didn't even know how hungry I was..." it's like you've lost total control of all your impulses and your body is just forcing you into this primal gorge.

I love it when that happens.

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