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9:29 a.m. - 22 April 2002
Elvis is king

ahhhhh last night was heaven. I was four feet away from the great Elvis Costello as he performed an incredible two hour concert. I was so awestruck/dumbstruck/starstruck I could barely do anything but smile weakly and dance along to the songs. he was so wonderful and I'm completely in love with him now. we were right up against the stage for the entire show, so close we could smell him, and so close that I was able to gaze into his eyes plenty of times. I'd give anything to meet him. the Tower Records thing didn't work out because I had stupidly not done my research and therefore did not know one had to purchase vouchers ahead of time (it turned out he didn't actually meet-and-greet, so phew). but last night's show made up for all of that. God, he was amazing. I'm still in la-la land. when the opening act ended, I started to get nervous and then when it was apparent Elvis was going to come on stage soon, I felt my heart pounding wildly. then, when he first came out on stage, I was laughing hysterically I couldn't believe it was him and he was so close. when he played Man Out of Time, all I could do was laugh and smile dazedly because I've listened to that song in my bedroom and on headphones countless times and here was Elvis, in person, singing that song beautifully, two arms' lengths away. the whole show was so great and Steve Nieve has to be one of the greatest keyboard players out there. what's even better is that Elvis is coming back in June, but to a large auditorium, which will be an entirely different vibe. I hope I can get in the front rows for that. I am so in love with him. he's fantastic. and that voice of his...aaaaah! I don't know how any other concert can top that show for me, ever. after the show ended, a girl ran up to the front and asked one of the crew members for the towel Elvis had been using to wipe the sweat cascading from his face all night. he gave it to her and I was never so jealous or so mad at myself for not thinking of that before anyone else. if I ever get to meet Elvis (I must!) I can just see myself turning to jelly. I haven't been this coo-coo for any other rock star ever, even the ones I've met. now I can understand all that Beatlemania. but for now, forget the Beatles. Elvis is king. and I love the king.

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