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9:45 a.m. - 17 January 2002
killing time at work

10:00 meeting in a few, but now it's all about killing some time.

when I was in elementary school we had this time every day in 5th grade where we were supposed to do "free writing," that is, write whatever you wanted to for 10-15 minutes. we had to buy a special notebook for this and everything. mine was hot-pink and spiral bound. I really disliked free writing time because I never had anything to say at that specific moment, so I spent most of it writing about how much I hated various people in my class. after a few days, my teacher made an announcement that she no longer wanted to read bad things about other people in our free writing journals. I suppose this was a reasonable enough request, but doesn't bad-mouthing make things more interesting? anyway, hopefully I won't end up doing that too often in this forum.

here's another thing from elementary school that makes me look like I was a bad kid (tho I wasn't, I swear). in 4th grade, I had a fight with my best friend Kristin, so to get back, I wrote a note to another girl in our class saying that every swear word in the world (that I knew at that time) added up to Kristin. for example: poop + hell + damn + shit + fart + ... = Kristin. as I was passing it to the other girl, some kid intercepted it, read it, and, to my horror, turned it in to the teacher. the teacher read it, had a talk with me, almost made me cry, and then told me I had to take the note home to be signed by my parents. I panicked because we weren't even allowed to say things like "fart" or even "oh my God," much less write them all out. so to lessen the effect of this punishment, and to prevent any screams from my parents, I made up with Kristin on the bus ride home, brought her to my house with me, took the note to my mom, and said, "Hi Mom, um, you have to sign this. It's about Kristin and I know it's bad but we're friends again now, so it's ok." I don't think I got in any trouble at all...that I remember. And that's that story.


I talked to Jen last night. her mom asked her why she and Steve don't get married sooner rather than later. so Jen thought to herself, yes, why not? she asked Steve and apparently he flipped out, saying he wasn't ready to get married Jen asked him why he proposed and gave her a ring, and I guess it erupted into a big thing, but Jen's just going to play the wait-and-see game. what a lame-ass (Steve, that is). you don't effing propose if you don't want to get married. I think there were other details too but I was typing at the same time and only half-listening. I do this often when I'm on the phone with Jen. I'm a good friend.

ok meeting time. ttfn.

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