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5:52 p.m. - 19 January 2002
lazy Saturday

just called Jim's cell to see if he'd come over to entertain me tonight...he didn't answer, which means probably no, even though I left a message (again). that's really annoying--just answer the phone, if you want to say no, that's fine.


went to the museum today and looked at some really great photographs. when it was about to close I went up to the ancient Mexican galleries for the first time and found the objects there so amazing. it's incredible to view such detailed mosaics and life-like sculptures from 300-600 AD. such a contrast to African art from the same period, and truly fascinating. if you haven't ever looked at that sort of thing, do it, and you'll see.

another activity I always find myself doing at museums (despite the clich�) is spotting guys, who I then imagine sparking a romance's so corny, but museums and airports and other public spaces offer such quality people-watching that I can't help myself. it's just a way to pass the time, sculpting an existence completely based on fantasy. sometimes I wonder if I spend too much time doing things in my head and not actually taking the impetus to act them out. I guess it's just in my nature.

at any rate, I'm glad I went because I was feeling a little stir-crazy just sitting in the apartment all morning and afternoon. must get out more on the weekends when April's at work.

just got an IM from Jillian, so I suppose I'll stop for now.

until the next time...

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