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2:05 p.m. - 12 March 2002
half closed, half awake

I am completely nodding off at work right now, despite listening to the White Stripes at a high volume. a few seconds ago, I was actually sleeping until the paper I was working from fell on my hand and startled me out of slumber. I'm also producing a lot of typos at this point. it's pointless. going home on the bus yesterday, I kept doing the fall-asleep-head-starts-bobbing thing that was so obvious to anyone sitting behind me. then my head would fall far forward and I'd jolt of our my sleep, totally awake for about an hour.

tonight I'm going to see Neal Pollack do a book reading and I hope it's nice and funny. I listened to bits of a previous reading and was laughing out loud. so we'll see.

I can't type any more. it's too hard. whew, it is going to be a long two hours at the museum.

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