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11:47 a.m. - 04 April 2002
a thank you, an ad, some other things

first off, I would like to thank everyone who stops by here and leaves me notes every once in a while. I love notes! and I love being added to your favorites! thank you!

also I have recently discovered the joy of this Internet-only radio station. it is grand.

tomorrow = my work-sponsored field trip, for me and only me. I might be able to coax April to join me on my foray to Skokie; I could easily swing by and pick her up before I get on the highway. that would make it so much more fun. although the fun of driving will be enough for me. Hungarian Kosher Market, WATCH OUT! I am coming to purchase some of your wares.

Jim IMed me last night to see if I would accompany him to some of the improv stuff going on here this weekend. I told him I would, especially since a friend of Stacey will be performing Sunday night. I hope Jim's not hoping for booty-ac this weekend. well, I say that, whatever. someday I will meet a mature and semi-normal boy who wants to be my boyfriend. but when...?

I got my tax refund a few days ago and I'm so tempted to run around like Rich Uncle Moneybags and buy loads of CDs and restaurant food and concert tickets. UUUUNNGGGGH the temptation! but I can't because if I do, I'll have moths flying out of my wallet once San Diego comes around.

blah blabbity blah I think I'll go to lunch now.

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