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2:57 p.m. - 20 March 2002
I want to sleep and then sleep some more

uuuuuuurgh I am so so tired right now I could sleep for hours. I'm not really sure why--could be new allergies, could be actual fatigue, could be because I've been staring at my screen without blinking for too long--all I know is I'm ready to konk out on my keyboard. why aren't employee naps a standard of American office life?

I'm also pretty sore, having taken a yoga class last night. it was my first-ever yoga class. the flyer said, "all levels welcome," but that's not how the instructor decided to run it. it was down dog this, salute the sun that, shoulder stand, head stand, hand stand...actually very strenuous. thank goodness the girl next to me knew what she was doing because I spent the whole hour-and-a-half-long class copying her. I hope I didn't freak her out. by the end of the class, I was soaked in sweat, had mascara marks under my eyes, and just looked really charming in general. but it was worth it.

oh shit. I have a meeting now. more later.

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