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7:08 p.m. - 30 March 2002
awkwardness is the rule of my life

my, my, yesterday was a long, long day. saw Kyle at Tower and he is as freakish as ever. the first time I ever met him, he was wearing a t-shirt and jeans and looked a little indie. yesterday, he had on an olive green wool sweater over a red, plaid flannel shirt, and blue denim farmer overalls on top of all this. he has also cultivated a Lucifer goatee, on his chin only (no moustache). it was a slightly frightening and unsettling countenance. also, it bears mentioning he's 35 years old. when I got there, Megan hadn't yet arrived, so I said my quick hello and ran outside to have a cigarette and to wait desperately for Megan to come. Kyle makes me a little uneasy. about 20 minutes later she got there, we went in, and Stephen was in there as well, so I felt much better. the band he had come with were ok, nothing stellar, and after the performance, we politely said goodbye and got out of there. it was awkward.

Megan and I then got some dinner and made our way to the show at Schubas, which started at 7:30. I was supposed to be on the guest list, but since my life is a hilarious joke, I wasn't, and I had to explain to the doorman that one of the band members (the drummer) was supposed to put me on. he stopped one of the other band members and asked me if he was the guy, but he wasn't. then the drummer's twin brother, who plays guitar in the band, walked by. the doorman stopped him and said that I had said I was to be on the guest list and I explained that his brother Gary was supposed to put me on the list. he looked at me, amused, and said, "I'm Gary." I think I just slowly lowered my eyes in shame as Gary turned away and then said something about a Steve and I said, "yes, Stephen." then he turned back to me and I said, in a very small voice, feeling about 13 inches tall, "Tuesday night...Ed Harcourt..." Gary looked up, inhaled, and said, "Ooohhhhhh, riiiiight..." as he remembered me. whew. so we got in and I turned to Gary hurridly and said "thank you." Megan and I then ran away quickly from the awkwardness of it all.

I had thought Gary's band was opening the show, but it turned out they were the headliners, so Megan and I left the concert area after the first of the 5 bands on the lineup and proceeded to drink too much beer for 4 hours straight. we went back in right before Gary's band started and waited for them to start. they were all really drunk and since I was equally bombed it made for a hilarious show. afterwards, Megan and I hung out with Gary, who was newly apologetic and very entertaining, until around 3:30 this morning. consequently, all day I have had what I call "sleeping sickness." can't open my eyes, can't get off the couch. can't even bother getting in the shower. it's kind of nice.

I noticed last night that Megan is much less starfuckery when April or her other friends aren't around, i.e. when it's just her and me. and I prefer that immensely.

have to find out when church starts tomorrow so I can go and not feel like a complete heathen.

April came home with Charles last night right after I got home. he hasn't come around for their hookup series for a while now, but I guess they made up for lost days because they had sex for the first time last night. weird.

well it's back to the couch for me now. even though I think I smoked around a pack of cigarettes last night (gotta keep those hands busy), I'm going to run across the street and get a few more. October is a little over 6 months away, so I have plenty of time to completely wean myself.

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