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10:28 p.m. - 20 February 2002
this that that this

nighttime isn't the shelter / it's supposed to be / especially when you're sad / you ride the mares at night...

I kind of made a song today on the bus ride home from work and now the melody is escaping me (it's not that line above, that's Tahiti 80). it's frustrating. I was half-asleep, half-paying attention to where I was and it just sort of crept around my head during the ride. I kept repeating it in my head until I got off the bus and then when I went to buy something from a hair place I forgot about it. I spent an hour or so trying to recall the exact melody because it was really nice. hmmm. not important, tho.

talked to Kelly on the phone tonight. she's doing well. bitched about robot to Sam over the phone also tonight. boring boring not important.

I always wish I had incredible psychic powers. I'm a little obsessed with psychics now after going to that one in New York...I want a more profound and more accurate experience. but it's weird--on one hand, I don't want to know what's going to happen to me. what's the point? life would be so unenjoyable if you spent it anticipating this thing or that thing...but I'd just like to gain some outside insight to help me look at things differently I guess...dunno...just thinking about it lately.

this is uninteresting. does anybody ever read me?

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