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9:20 p.m. - 21 August 2002
humidity, fatigue, anger, anticipation

I love nothing more than an oppressively humid evening, and I especially love it when it happens on the evening that my central air conditioning chooses to whine unhealthily and crap out water all over the place. comfort! and water damage!

today I continued to pay a high price for my nocturnal behavior last weekend. staying awake was like one of those impossible physical challenges off of the old skool Double Dare, only Marc Summers wasn't there to give me encouragement and support while I struggled to open my stubborn eyelids. Diet Coke did come through for me in the end, though. and for that, I thank her.

now let's go on to another issue that's been superficially dear to my heart the past two months or whatever. that issue is: American Idol. tonight on American Idol, Tamyra was terminated. this action can only mean one thing: many Americans are utterly stupid. now I realize many of you probably don't give a half of a damn about this show, but I've chosen to adopt it as my summer love and I will see it through to the end, I will. but this latest announcement has me shaking my head in shame and disappointment. why has this show failed me? I put so much effort into watching it almost every night it was on if I didn't have any other plans! have I neglected you, American Idol? no. have I offended you? impossible. have I publicly humiliated you in some way? I scoff at the suggestion. but this--this is simply inexcusable.

actually, I guess I really don't care that much. but Nikki--she is no good.

I go home to visit my family in exactly 8 days and I can't wait. Stacey, James P, and I will be reunited in what can only promise to be a great, evil time. moreover, I'll get to see my lovely family once again. it's sad that I've seen my far-away friends more than my parents and sisters in the past 8 months, but it's true. and I love them so much that I've agreed to go to a football game at my old high school, even though it's certain to bring back really uncomfortable memories of my days dancing on that field (a passtime I wish not to discuss). actually, I'm really only going because my little sister will be dancing herself and I's gots to see her! she rocks! the house! oh yeah! plus, she just got her tonsils out, proving she's a braver girl than I am, considering it involved IV insertion and other horrors.

ok this entry is too silly, so it's got to stop, mon.

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