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7:53 p.m. - 31 January 2002
to do the laundry

whew just finished four godless loads of laundry. doing laundry really sucks. especially since my laundry room looks like the evil cellar of a haunted house. it's bad. the rat traps are not encouraging. nor is the roaring water heater. sometimes I'll freak myself out when I'm down there, like I'll convince myself there's a homeless person squatting in the corner, and then I can't get up the stairs fast enough. it's like when I was little and I'd go in the basement and all of a sudden get this impulse that a murderous robber was chasing me up the stairs. oh the imagination...

I washed my blankie today. is it really freakish for a 24-year-old to still sleep with her blankie? I've done it all my life; why stop now? my blankie is so incredibly old. one wrong twist in my sleep and it'll be ripped in two, or three, or fifteen. I have this crazy notion that something really cataclysmic is going to happen once it finally falls apart. strange but true.

I have to work on Saturday, which is so crappy. but at least I get a nice, free dinner, and I can take the bus and expense a fake cab ride. isn't that what working for The Man is all about?

got my Daily Show tickets in the mail today. I can't wait to go to New York. I need a vacation so badly. I think Stacey and I might go up to Connecticut for a day so I can show her the crazy-ass place I worked for a year. it's such a beautiful area, but the people are so unpleasant. anyway, it should be interesting.

alright. smoking time. ciao.

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