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11:21 a.m. - 20 January 2003
tired and knotted Monday

ugh, I feel like someone's been slowly dropping grains of salt into my eyes ever since I woke up this morning. they feel so dry and tired I can barely keep them open. it's because last night Stephen and Amber came over for dinner and to watch the Golden Globes and they stayed really late. we had a good time, and S brought me a stack of CDs he burned for me (the new Reindeer Section, Thievery Corporation...I can't remember what else now of course), so that was really cool. then right when they were about to leave, around midnight, my cell phone rang and it was Jim, standing outside my window asking who I was talking to. he and his friend R had just gotten back from a concert and had seen me standing in my window. so they, drunk, came up and blathered on to us for another half hour, which was entertaining. especially since R has a tendency to just blurt out anything he wants and it tends to be something that secretive Jim would prefer doesn't escape their confidence. like the fact they were hitting on two young women who happened to be married, which they didn't find out until long after the concert, at a bar they'd all visited together. I got a nice laugh out of that, but couldn't help feeling bad for Jim, since he's got horrible lady luck.

anyway, the late bedtime combined with the fact that MHD hasn't emailed me back yet has me sitting here at work with a knotted, sour-feeling stomach. fatigue and worry.

in other not happy news, I think I'm going to have to seriously start looking for a new job. the senior secretary here is planning to leave and once she's gone, a whole pile of shit will be rained down upon me in the worst way. since I don't care about this job much and getting angry about it would be a waste of energy, it's probably best if I just move on. ugh.

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