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10:08 a.m. - 02 July 2002
butterflies in the gullet

interview in less than two hours. gosh I'm bad at interviews. I think. the past 2 important ones of the past two years have not gone swimmingly. but at least I'm currently employed. still, I'm feeling the bile rise in my throat. deep breaths, deep breaths, ignore faint deodorant marks on the sides of my black shirt. focus on how great my grey tweedy accordian pleated skirt looks...and breathe...perhaps will take short shadow-boxing break in bathroom prior to interview just to loosen things.

my hands are currently slightly sticky, maybe because I was eating dry Frosted Mini Wheats a few mintues ago, maybe not. sticky hands are not a fun feeling, but I'm not motivated enough to go wash them at present.

time to distract myself.

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