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4:03 p.m. - 21 February 2003
no point to this one, really

it's amazing, I just went off the Pill Sunday and already I can tell that my boobs have begun to return to their normal size of "big," as opposed to the Pill-induced "gigundo." this makes me very happy. as does not being on the Pill at all.

Ali G is on HBO tonight for the first time. aiiiii-yeee!! I was so excited when I learned the show was coming to the US, I just hope it's as good as the first UK series was.

I won tickets to see a play tonight (thank you, stupid contests I enter for the hell of it), so I'm leaving work early to change and get ready for the free hors d'oeuvres I was promised. this evening is all about "free," aka the only kind of item I can afford right now.

I really have nothing else important to say. except that I just saw the Coachella lineup for this year and I'm experiencing physical pain at the fact that I simply can't afford to go this time around. OWW!!! it hurts!!!

OH YEAH, also, I forgot to mention that Wednesday while waiting for the bus, I was approached by a middle-aged woman who said she "loved" my "look" (which was shamefully dorky business casual) and oh, would I be interested in networking for a makeup sales company? after I gave her a fake phone number (I'm learning, you see), she handed me her pink business card and I stood there, bewildered that my "look" had prompted a Mary Kay saleswoman to approach me. I came to the conclusion that something must be going horribly wrong for that to have happened. dumb work clothes!!

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