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10:16 a.m. - 20 June 2002
relief in an STD, end of duty, on an upshot

Main Entry: chla�myd�ia*
Pronunciation: kl&-'mi-dE-&
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural chla�myd�i�ae /-dE-"E/
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek chlamyd-, chlamys
Date: 1966
1 : any of a genus (Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae) of spherical gram-negative intracellular bacteria; especially : one (C. trachomatis) that causes or is associated with various diseases of the eye and urogenital tract including trachoma, lymphogranuloma venereum, cervicitis, and some forms of urethritis
2 : a disease or infection caused by chlamydiae

chalmydia. Adrienne just has chlamydia. I don't know why a chlamydia infection should be a relief to anyone, but in this case it is. especially since it's curable. I've asked her to promise to be a faithful prophylactic user from now on. so we'll see how that goes.


the stupid meeting is over and now I can breathe yet another sigh of relief. I honestly was hungry for the blood of my bosses all day yesterday. and that is not a healthy feeling.

April and I went to see a play last night at Theatre on the Lake, which is this giant indoor-outdoor theater on the lakefront. it was very nice and I felt eminently cultured once again.

I'm starting to receive mailings from universities where I intend to apply for graduate school and I'm getting excited about being in the academic world again. I feel newly motivated to write a paper (which I'll have to do before applying) and to start reading proper art books again. Chicago Public Library, I am about to patronize you for the first time ever. for my paper, I'm hoping to choose something that is or someone who is represented in the collection of the Art Institute because museum object files are exceedingly complete and helpful in research. also, they contain information one is less likely to come across in published form, such as: handwritten letters from or to the artist, artwork provenance, dealer details, etc. it's just a matter of decision now.

so, to sum, happy outlook on things once again. for now. I think.


* thanks, mister Webster.

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