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4:31 p.m. - 15 April 2002
I am soon to be unemployed

oh my I'm going to get fired from my job. for the past half hour I've had tears streaming down my face from laughter. I think it's the heat that's helping to make me so giddy. but I know it's the emails Amy and I have sent back and forth that are directly responsible for the tears. for example, we've deduced that our female boss has the fingernails of a carnie, thereby prompting the new nickname, "carnie nails." also, the phrase "midget linebacker" was tossed around. we are nice. but our boss isn't, so it's all fair.

also today, during seminar I spilled my drink and almost yelled out "fuck!" really loud. instead, I made the "ffff" sound and started wiping up the liquid. Amy started laughing at the "ffff" sound and since then, it's all been downhill. one of our elder co-workers walked by trying to find out what we were laughing about and Amy tried to say that it was the heat. the co-worker's answer was, "no it's not, Amy! it's something else!" which only made us laugh more.

I am very professional.

time to go outside soon. it is currently 89 degrees. the sweat is a-gon' pour.

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