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7:13 p.m. - 11 February 2002
I just want what I want right now

christ, if there's one thing I cannot stand it's money problems. I have been foolish. but not on purpose...things just happen. and now I'm paying the price. not fun. I need to be rich. that was always the plan; where did I go wrong? someone please tell me. ugh. I hate bitching about it too because it's tried and it's shameful to me. god damn. can I please find a gigantic bag of money?

work today was not bad, it went fast. I'm going to see Kevin Tihista again tonight with Stephen from work. that could be awkward. we've never hung out before. his wife was supposed to come but I guess it's gonna be too late for her. ah well. at least once the music starts I won't have to worry about the awkward pauses. goooood times.

hopefully the trip to the city will make things happier. only Stacey's grandmother is dying, so that's cast a bit of a pall over things. apparently her family has to decide whether to hook her up to machines or to just let her keep going until...I guess she's forgotten to eat, forgotten how to eat, and is essentially just a body wasting away. it's very sad.

yep, I'm all smiles today.

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