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9:31 p.m. - 16 January 2002
I have a crappy computer, etc.

so my home computer is a piece of crippity-crap, and is not facilitating my use of this. double damn. hopefully a bonus at work come March or April will = new computer for me.

hey if anyone reads any of my entries, email me and let me know about other good diaries that don't focus on being in high school. that would be swell. I wonder how long this will actually take since no one knows it's here but me...?


let's's snowy here today, although it hasn't stuck and that pleases me. in fact, there has been no real snow this winter at all, which has made my outdoor life a little more enjoyable. winter and snow and cold weather make me have a freakish appearance. my cheeks get bright red, my eyes water incessantly, my hair gets blown about, and I get a big splotchy red patch on my neck. why the neck deal? who knows, it's just my freaky skin.

bought a plane ticket today to visit Stacey in NYC for her birthday next month and it should be cool. also got us tickets to see The Daily Show, which had better be a laugh riot.

not much else is new; I'm running incredibly low on cash, which is shitty, but hey, only two more weeks till the paycheck, heh-heh. I am thrifty.

on the phone with Jen right now, which is not exciting, and that's why I'm typing at the same time.

I've got this resolution, or rather, goal to get a boyfriend before my 25th birthday in October. it's been too long, and although this is such a tired subject, facts is facts. I live in Chicago, for crying out loud. there's gotta be a boy out there for me...I've been here for a year and a half, so let's get moving, people...although let me just state that I do not wish to use this diary as a forum for suitors. bear that in mind.

speaking of using a forum for meeting people, what the eff is the deal with the kids on if there's one thing I can't stand it's that sort of elitist mentality of discarding people based on their likes/dislikes. but whatever. no disrespect to the kids.

ok now I've moved to blabbing about nothing important, so it's quittin' time. this is long.

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