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10:40 a.m. - 10 February 2003
oh it's another draggy Monday

yesterday marked "most dead bodies seen in a day" for me. mind you, all the bodies were seen on the movie screen or on television, but that didn't make it any less unnerving.

April and I went to see "The Pianist" yesterday and I thought it was very, very good, really well done. a review I'd read prior to seeing the film remarked upon it's lack of sentimentality, and to me that was the film's strongest asset. (there was, for example, no little girl in a red coat running around the ghetto, highlighted from the rest of the black and white world.) I'd like to see the movie again, which isn't always true for me after seeing something about such a horrible subject, and I think that just goes to show how well Polanski handled his work. the word "absurd," indoctrinated throughout my high school and college French classes on existentialist writers, kept appearing in my head as I watched the film; the true meaning of the word is completely evident throughout the film and I now have an even greater understanding of why the meaning of "absurd" evolved in the way it did for the writers of that time. lastly, the lead actor is incredibly skilled, especially considering all the changes his character endures throughout the film.

after coming back to the apartment from the movie, I made some dinner and watched the Simpsons. I talked to my mom on the phone for a bit, and then came out into the living room to watch a program on cannibalism with April. this was on HBO, so there were crime photos aplenty, meaning I was shading my eyes from the images quite a bit. I still find it incredible that there are people in the world who can view a dead, mutilated, and/or decayed body with desensitized eyes. it's always too much for me to be able to watch.

today I'm hoping to avoid any sort of dead anything. so far, so good. also, I'm going to make Stacey's t-shirt tonight. I hope it comes out ok!

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