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1:56 p.m. - 10 December 2002
tired and jealous and stupid and boring

ho boy, I've just been hit hard by the after-lunch "need a nap NOW" feeling. dangerous and counterproductive. especially since I'm currently doing busy work which requires me to cut and paste and stare at the screen. eyelids getting lazier...lazier...must snap out of it. I read somewhere that in Japan one can buy minty eyedrops that wake up the user instantly. those may become the love of my life at some point.

so W went to visit Stacey in NY this past weekend. he gave her one day's notice and according to Stacey has paid for everything in $100 bills. they've been to concerts and nice restaurants and etc. I am very jealous of Stacey right now.

oh shit, I just realized there's been a French film festival in town since Friday. my personal assistant will catch hell for letting this slip past me unnoticed. I really like how half of the films seem to star the actress from Am�lie. how original of the French directors! I guess most French films star the same 10 or 15 actors in general anyway, so I shouldn't be so surprised.

boring times around here today. boring. but I think April and I are going to see "The Ring" for cheap after work, so that should equal some sort of excitement. or not.

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